
So, the site server has disappeared. In a wholly unusual way. While it can be accessed administratively from the back (so to speak) it doesn't allow service for internet traffic. An ARP-spoofing/man-in-the-middle scenario suggests itself. The hosting provider is absent, so there appears to be no chance of a fix. The arrangement will just run out.

Not unsuspiciously, It came at a time when there was a good deal of traffic (relatively) from, despite an attempt to nobble that on Elon Musk's side.

But I told you: there is precious very little in the media landscape whereby your window to the world isn't managed for you. There is largely nothing that you see or know by it that you aren't supposed to. 

I have ever decreasing amounts of time to spend on this sort of thing, but a service - the only service - will continue on It won't be very regular, I suppose, but I don't feel sorry about that. The likes of the Son of Icke and UK Column (everyone's favourite alternative media run by ex-military in a military town) got you covered.

(As promised, a list of "MPs" on low turnouts via "wesminster's legitimacy crisis" at

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